WMSBA Small Boat Racing
It's often said that when two vessels meet going the same direction you now have a boat race. The same is true for small boats. Over the years WMSBA has continued to try and get small boaters together for friendly competition. The variety of vessels that comprise 'small boats' means we can can sort all kinds on a race course, sail, paddle and oar. Or any combination thereof. To this end we've come up with a set of basic small boat racing rules that all WMSBA events will use if boats wish to see who is less slow.
South Flathead Yacht Club 2024 Keep It Simple Saturday (KISS) Series
New for 2024 the South Flathead Yacht Club (SFYC) is going to host a 20' and Under fleet for all of it's competitive events. This is an excellent opportunity for boats on the smaller end of the spectrum to enjoy the lake and the challenge that is racing. Races take several formats and the club hosts two regatta's each year.
Labor Day Small Boat Regatta | September 1st, 2024 | Dayton Bay
Following the buoy races for the day or around 1700, WMSBA members will attempt to hold a small boat race. We'll borrow the marks from the big boat races and set up a course in the bay. Winner gets whatever bragging rights to such a contest gets you. There may be food and entertainment up at the Harbor House. It's not a bad way to spend a Sunday.
WMSBA Rules for Racing Small Boats
(More like guidelines)
Don't hit anything. This is fairly self explanatory.
Right of Way are the Big Four: Opposing tacks starboard stays on, same tack leeward stays on, closest the the mark has the RoW and keep clear when tacking or jibing. Also See Rule #1.
Do your best to stay out of the way of the bigger boats while observing proper RoW procedures. See Rule #1.
Corinthian Rule: We're a well breed sport. To that end we don't call penalties on one another, we let them call their own penalty and take their turns. No one cares if you lose. Everyone cares if you cheat.
Take your marks to the outside of the course unless otherwise directed. If your mark is a land mass got to starboard.
When in doubt, ask. If we don't have a rule we'll make one up on the spot. Made up rules are only good for the duration of the race or race series the rule is made up for.
Reefing and/or retiring can be the mark of good seamanship. We are all small boats on big water. There is no dishonor in making the right choice for you, your vessel and your crew. Safety is #7 on this list.
If able monitor VHF channel 16 whenever you're on the water.
If race officials are unavailable, start and finish by mob rule and consensus.
Unless otherwise noted all races are to be by sail only. Rudder sculling is only allowed if the another sailor does it first or no one observes you doing it.
Have fun. Any day on the water beats a day on the beach.
The "Y" flag is always flying on our courses. Wear a PFD you can sail in.
Procedural Notes:
Two boats of any similarity make a fleet. Fleet racing is fun.
Most races are first across the line "wins". That's why we have fleet races.
It's more important you have fun and show up to the next race then any other outcome.